Your Trusted Partner in Real Estate. Contact me at 604-719-7898 for all your property needs.

[:en]I know we gave Greg a very tough challenge of finding a property within a desired 4 block radius and within a narrow budget. However, right from our initial phone conversation, to meeting at our home to share and discuss our real estate vision, to driving up and down streets and knocking on doors to solicit potential sellers, Greg was always professional, prompt, and extremely focused on doing anything it took to make our dream a reality. In the end, we were able to find the perfect property and would have not been able to close the deal without the market intelligence, property comparable, and strategy provided by Greg.
[:zh]客戶見證 本人在此代表泰瑞莎和我自己,誠摯感謝廖國廷所提供的一切協助,幫助我們實現了在西溫哥華購屋並打造夢想家園的目標。 我知道我們給了您一項十分艱鉅的挑戰,請您以有限的預算在理想的 4 街區半徑範圍內找到一處房產。不過,從一開始的電話溝通到在家見面與您分享討論我們對房產的願景,再到開遍大街小巷敲門徵求潛在賣家,這過程中廖國廷總是十分專業、有效率,一心一意地幫助我們實現夢想。 最後,我們終於找到了完美的房產,而且多虧了有廖國廷提供的市場情報、房地產比較和策略才能順利成交。 我們會毫不猶豫向所有親朋好友介紹您的團隊,也期待未來有機會再次合作。 敬致 – 尼爾和泰瑞莎[:]
[:en]Working with Greg was an absolute pleasure! The entire process – from searching for a place, to presenting an offer, to the negotiations: Greg and his team was always professional and worked extremely hard to get me exactly what I wanted. When I finally decided that I had found the luxury penthouse that I wanted to buy, Greg immediately went to work and put together a strategy to make sure we got the best deal possible. Through the multiple rounds of negotiations, Greg was relentless and clearly utilized his experience with high end properties to close the deal.
[:zh]與廖國廷合作的經驗十分愉快! 從尋找地點、出價到協商的整個過程中,廖國廷和他的團隊一直十分專業,而且為了能讓我得到想要的東西非常努力地工作。 當我最後決定已經找到了自己想要買的豪華頂樓公寓時,廖國廷立刻著手擬訂了一份策略,確保我們能獲得最棒的交易。透過多次協商,廖國廷堅持不懈,而且一看就知道他利用了處理高檔房地產的經驗來成交。廖國廷的首要考量是確保我滿意 — 當我確定了自己很滿意後,廖國廷則下定決心要讓我從滿意變成開心得不得了。 我會毫不猶豫向自己的親朋好友推薦廖國廷和他的團隊,讓大家下次購屋時也能感到開心得不得了。 – 大衛[:]
[:en]My experience using Greg and his team was first class. Having bought and sold numerous properties in the past, I found that the ease of which my most recent transaction took place to be very refreshing. Greg were available at all times which was helpful as our negotiations with the vendor took place on a very rush basis during a late Friday evening. Their level of confidence in handling a difficult negotiation process was unparalleled and at all times I felt that we were in full control of the situation. I would highly recommend his services.
[:zh]使用廖國廷和他的團隊對我而言是一次一流的體驗。過去我曾買過也賣過許多房產,我發現自己最近一次的交易過程輕鬆到令人耳目一新。我們與廠商是在某個週五傍晚才匆促達成協商,幸好不論何時都找得到廖國廷,這一點幫助很大。而他們在處理困難的協商過程中展現的自信程度也是前所未見,我感覺得出來我們隨時都掌握了完整的狀況。 我極力推薦他的服務。 – 克里斯[:]
[:en]Working with Greg was an absolute pleasure! The entire process – from searching for a place, to presenting an offer, to the negotiations: Greg and his team was always professional and worked extremely hard to get me exactly what I wanted. When I finally decided that I had found the luxury penthouse that I wanted to buy, Greg immediately went to work and put together a strategy to make sure we got the best deal possible. Through the multiple rounds of negotiations, Greg was relentless and clearly utilized his experience with high end properties to close the deal.
[:zh]與廖國廷合作的經驗十分愉快! 從尋找地點、出價到協商的整個過程中,廖國廷和他的團隊一直十分專業,而且為了能讓我得到想要的東西非常努力地工作。 當我最後決定已經找到了自己想要買的豪華頂樓公寓時,廖國廷立刻著手擬訂了一份策略,確保我們能獲得最棒的交易。透過多次協商,廖國廷堅持不懈,而且一看就知道他利用了處理高檔房地產的經驗來成交。廖國廷的首要考量是確保我滿意 — 當我確定了自己很滿意後,廖國廷則下定決心要讓我從滿意變成開心得不得了。 我會毫不猶豫向自己的親朋好友推薦廖國廷和他的團隊,讓大家下次購屋時也能感到開心得不得了。 – 大衛[:]
[:en]I know we gave Greg a very tough challenge of finding a property within a desired 4 block radius and within a narrow budget. However, right from our initial phone conversation, to meeting at our home to share and discuss our real estate vision, to driving up and down streets and knocking on doors to solicit potential sellers, Greg was always professional, prompt, and extremely focused on doing anything it took to make our dream a reality. In the end, we were able to find the perfect property and would have not been able to close the deal without the market intelligence, property comparable, and strategy provided by Greg.
[:zh]客戶見證 本人在此代表泰瑞莎和我自己,誠摯感謝廖國廷所提供的一切協助,幫助我們實現了在西溫哥華購屋並打造夢想家園的目標。 我知道我們給了您一項十分艱鉅的挑戰,請您以有限的預算在理想的 4 街區半徑範圍內找到一處房產。不過,從一開始的電話溝通到在家見面與您分享討論我們對房產的願景,再到開遍大街小巷敲門徵求潛在賣家,這過程中廖國廷總是十分專業、有效率,一心一意地幫助我們實現夢想。 最後,我們終於找到了完美的房產,而且多虧了有廖國廷提供的市場情報、房地產比較和策略才能順利成交。 我們會毫不猶豫向所有親朋好友介紹您的團隊,也期待未來有機會再次合作。 敬致 – 尼爾和泰瑞莎[:]